Birth of Laurana Catherine Steele

6/8/2000 7:55 PM


Checked into Providence hospital about 7:30. Susanne’s Dr. appt. with Beverly Fuller earlier in the day, showed that she was dilated to 3-4 and 50% effaced. The doc told her to check into the hospital within 2-3 hours and that she would go ahead and induce labor. Laurana’s heartbeat did not recover well from the stress test, so it was thought best to go ahead and induce today, rather than on the 14th as originally planned.

[Too much info for me. Take me Back to pictures.]

Upon arrival to the hospital, we were assigned to room 4, and our nurse will be "Leigh." Laurana’s heartbeat is staying around the 145 levels. It goes up to 180 or so, and down to 130 periodically.

The induction will be done by cytotec, (It sounded like "side attack" to me.) a small pill inserted into the cervix. This is much different than the petosin that was used in previous pregnancies.

Leigh says that a "fast" induction would result in a birth as soon as midnight, or as late as tomorrow morning.

Susanne has been having high blood pressure for a couple of weeks, and has had to stay relaxed in bed. She has also had gestational diabetes this pregnancy as well. Natural contractions have been about 10 minutes apart.

Susanne’s blood sugar is doing well, and so is her blood pressure. She has to have an IV of antibiotics for vaginal strep "B." Susanne should try to rest as much as she can, as it looks to be a long night ahead…

9:15 or so. My Mom arrives, and will stay until the baby comes.

6/8/2000 9:53 PM

Doctor Fulller comes in and says she is going to break her water to speed things along. Susanne has an IV drip of insulin now.


Soon after, she gets her first strong contraction. 82 points on the monitor. Laurana’s heart beat is doing fine. Contractions about 6 minutes apart.


Susanne says the contractions are closer together, but only slightly stronger. She says the fluid coming out is foul smelling, but the nurse says the antibiotics cause this. Susanne prefers to walk around and stand rather than lying down. We take a few walks around the maternity ward. Leigh is off work. We are all starting to get tired. Mom goes to sleep.


Our new nurse is Renee Dixson. The amphicilin (antibiotic) needs to be replaced. This will be the second and final dose to prevent the baby getting strep. The contractions are getting harder, but not severe, and Susanne still feels better standing and leaning. Laurana still is doing well with heart rates in the 160s most of the time.

6/9/2000 1:18 AM

Contractions are much harder now, but only last 90 seconds or so. This is most likely the cytotek. They are only a couple of minutes apart.

1:30 – 1:50

Strong labor. She tried to be on her knees to relieve back strain, but the baby did not do well. Baby’s heart rate went down to 98. Susanne has to stay on her back, but this causes her pain during contractions. Baby does better this way though.

Friday, June 9th at 3:00am

Laurana is here! It was a little scary, as her head came through and turned, but her shoulders didn’t. The nurse, the doctor and the respiratory therapist all were climbing and pushing and pulling on her to get her out.

They had to pull fluid from her tummy, and her breathing was too fast. Her blood sugar was at 24, which is too low.


Baby and mommy finally get to meet. Laurana is rooting well and goes to breast. She looks good and is doing well.


Everyone is pretty wiped out. My Mom left to go get a little rest, and I try to crash on the spare bed.

7:00 to 9:00

Dr. Diane Williams was our chosen pediatrician, but she is not on call today or this weekend. One of her partners, Dr. Hough, comes in sometime around 7 or 8 and checks the baby. Laurana’s blood sugar is still too low, and will have to be put on an IV of sugar water to keep her stabilized.

Dr. Hough said the baby would have to go to the nursery for the IV and be fed formula. Susanne would have to pump when she could as well. He said that the baby would have to be monitored throughout the weekend. No going home soon. L

Phone calls are made to Susanne’s parents and Paul’s dad with the news. Susanne’s blood pressure was a little high, but seems to be coming down. Her blood sugar is still too high as well, but both seem to be calming down.

Our new nurse is Margaret. She seems to be a very caring and attentive nurse. She lets Laurana come and stay with Susanne, skin to skin. This was just as helpful to Susanne as the baby, as she was a little weepy and missing her new baby.

Father Shirley? (I had just woken up from sleeping and didn’t catch his name) came to the nursery and asked about the baby and if we wanted Communion, which we did.


Everyone got a little sleep. By 10:30 Laurana is on Mommy, but she is sleepy.


We have to wake her up to get her blood sugar tested. I think Laurana is tired of getting her foot lanced! But she only cries for a second, and then settles back down. Her count is 49, which is good!


Laurana tries to breastfeed, but not much is coming out. She gets a little frustrated. The nurse helps supplement with formula. Another chaplain visits and joins us in prayer over Laurana.

12:00 noon

Laurana opens her eyes and looks at me. I fall in love with her. J She is so precious, and I am glad that she is here and doing well! She is nursing, but having to be supplemented with formula through a small tube that fits in her mouth while she is at breast.


Laurana was getting a little shaky, so we are feeding her some more formula.

Visitors Today

Sally Steele

Barbara Knudsen and her son Matthew

David, Christianne, Nathan

Todd, Donna, Amanda and Emily Steele


Today has gone well. Laurana’s blood sugar has been 40 to 45, which is good. She still needs an IV drip of sugar water. The nurses have to lance her every 3 hours to test, and Laurana cries each time. Her feet are very bruised and tender. L

Todd brought his digital camera during his visit, and will email me with the photos so I can post them on a web site.

God is good!

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